Oral Agreement

Opdateret dato: 9. februar 2024 | Først publiceret: 17. maj 2023 | Skrevet af: Ludvig Kofoed
Oral Agreement

What is an Oral Agreement in Real Estate?

An "Oral Agreement" in the context of real estate refers to a verbal contract established between parties involved in a property transaction. This type of agreement is forged through spoken communication, without the backing of written documentation or a formalized contract. Intriguingly, even in the absence of tangible written proof, an Oral Agreement can hold legal weight, provided certain conditions are met.

When Do Oral Agreements Occur in Real Estate?

Within the real estate sector, Oral Agreements often emerge during negotiation phases. This can be between buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, or even between real estate agents and their clients. For instance, a potential buyer might verbally agree to purchase a property at a set price, and the seller might orally confirm their acceptance. Such an agreement becomes legally binding when it encompasses essential contractual elements: an offer, its acceptance, consideration (like a payment or promise), and a mutual intent to form a legal bond.

What are the Risks Associated with Oral Agreements?

Relying solely on an Oral Agreement poses inherent risks. The primary challenge lies in validating the agreement's terms without written evidence. Disagreements can sprout regarding the exact terms, leading to potential legal complications and drawn-out court proceedings.

To circumvent the pitfalls of Oral Agreements, it's strongly advised to encapsulate all real estate agreements in written form. This ensures clarity by setting out clear terms and protects the interests of all involved parties. A written contract provides a detailed record of the agreed-upon terms, drastically reducing the chances of misinterpretations or disputes.

In Conclusion: The Implications of Oral Agreements in Real Estate

While an Oral Agreement can indeed be legally valid in the realm of real estate, it's always prudent to formalize all transactions with written contracts. This approach guarantees clarity, curtails potential disputes, and fortifies the overall trustworthiness and stability of the real estate industry.