Erhvervslokaler i Wels - vejsøgning

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Useful to know when you are searching for business premises for rent in Wels

Wels is a city in Austria. It is the capital of the state of Upper Austria. The city has a population of about ~100,000 people. The city is known for its universities and museums. Its name comes from the Celtic word for "white" or "fair".

Culture life in Wels

Wels has a variety of cultural life. The city has a number of museums, including the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Museum of Modern Art. The city also has a number of theaters, including the State Theater, the Opera House, and the Playhouse. The city also has a number of parks, including the Central Park, the Volksgarten, and the Schlosspark.

Business life in Wels

Wels is home to a number of businesses, including the Welser Profile, the Welser Kaltwalz, and the Welser Textile. The city is also home to a number of banks, including the Bank of Austria, the Creditanstalt-Bankverein, and the Raiffeisenbank.

Renting a commercial space in Wels

If you are looking to rent a commercial space in Wels, there are a number of things to consider. The first is the location of the space. The second is the size of the space. The third is the price of the space. The fourth is the type of space. The fifth is the amenities that the space has.

Housing market in Wels

The housing market in Wels is stable. The average price for an apartment is €1,200. The average price for a house is €2,500.

The cost of living in Wels is high. The average price for a meal is €15. The average price for a cup of coffee is €3.50.

Wels's History

The history of Wels dates back to the Roman Empire. The city was founded in the year 15 BC. The city was named after the Roman god, Vulcan. The city was an important center of trade and commerce. The city was destroyed by the Visigoths in the year 410 AD. The city was rebuilt by the Franks in the year 823 AD. The city was conquered by the Bavarians in the year 955 AD. The city was destroyed by the Hungarians in the year 1030 AD. The city was rebuilt by the Germans in the year 1043 AD.

What districts exist in Wels?

Wels consists of four districts:

The Altstadt (Old Town)

The Altstadt is the oldest district of Wels. It is located on the left bank of the River Traun. The district is home to the Cathedral of Wels, the City Hall, and the Wels Castle.

The Neustadt (New Town)

The Neustadt is the newest district of Wels. It is located on the right bank of the River Traun. The district is home to the University of Wels, the Wels Airport, and the Wels Exhibition Center.

The Nordstadt (North Town)

The Nordstadt is the northern district of Wels. It is located on the left bank of the River Inn. The district is home to the Wels Zoo, the Wels Botanical Garden, and the Wels Museum.

The Südstadt (South Town)

The Südstadt is the southern district of Wels. It is located on the right bank of the River Inn. The district is home to the Wels Cathedral, the Wels Opera House, and the Wels Concert Hall.