Seden Strandgyde, Odense NØ - available commercial rentals

What is Odense NØ?

Odense NØ is the part of Odense Municipality that is located east of Ejbygade. It includes Vollsmose, Seden and Åsum, among others. Odense Å runs through the middle of the district, this brook and Ejbygade frame the area called Vollsmose.

Odense NØ is one of the largest districts in Odense and has a large population base, which also includes a lot of housing. It is a very diverse area with a large variety of cultures and ethnicities. There are many different shops, restaurants, cafes and other types of service businesses that are open to everyone and have easy accessibility and information overview with information.

Odense NØ is also known for its many green areas, including a large park that is a popular place for locals to relax and enjoy nature. There is also a wide range of sports facilities, including football pitches, basketball courts and other types of outdoor activities.

Search for commercial space in Odense NØ

Commercial premises for rent in Odense NØ are easily available and have a good price. At Vollsmose Alle, Vollsmose Torv is located, among other things, where there are many shop leases. If you move further away from Odense city centre, the prices will also be more favorable and, at the same time, larger premises will perhaps be more available.

Important places in Odense NØ

As previously mentioned, the district of Odense NØ is a place with many ethnicities, this is due to the wide variety of residential construction in Vollsmose. Many cultures live here, which makes it an interesting place to visit. Odense municipality has also done a lot to improve the district, so it has become a good place to live.

Odense NØ also has many interesting places to visit. There are several churches, museums, cultural centers and other attractions. It is also a good place for shopping as there are many shops and markets. There are also many restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy good food and drink.

Odense NØ is a good place to visit, as there are many things to see and do. It is also a good place to live as it is a safe and secure place with many different cultures. It's a great place to live and a great place to visit.

Transport in Odense NØ

Odense NØ is one of the busiest areas in Odense, and it is easy to get around. There are several public transport options, including buses, trains and taxis. There are also many cycle paths, so you can get around in an environmentally friendly way.

There are several bus lines that run through Odense NØ. There are also train stations that connect Odense NØ with the rest of Odense and other cities.

If you would like a more environmentally friendly transport option, you can also choose to cycle. There are many cycle paths that go through Odense NE, so you can get around in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

Regardless of how you choose to get around, it is easy and convenient to get around Odense NØ.