Shop in Chichester - West Sussex
See all available shop rentals, retail locations, retail spaces, store locations and shops for rent in Chichester - West Sussex below. If you are looking for an available retail location, shop rental, store for rent or shop for rent in Chichester - West Sussex, you have come to the right place. We have almost all available shops in Chichester - West Sussex for rent and for lease in our database. Find your new retail space in Chichester - West Sussex here. Enjoy. More info about shop for rent in Chichester - West Sussex.
967 m2 shop for rent in Chichester - West Sussex, South East, 67 South Street
- 23,750 GBP per month
- 294.73 GBP /m2/year
758 m2 shop for rent in South East, High Road
- 1,792 GBP per month
- 28.36 GBP /m2/year
Frequently asked questions
Statistics on the development of available shops for rent in Chichester - West Sussex over the past month
Below you can see the development of available shops for rent in Chichester - West Sussex over the past month. In the first column you see the date. In the second column you see the total amount of shops for rent in Chichester - West Sussex on the date. In the third column you see the amount of new shops in Chichester - West Sussex that was available for rent on the date. In the fourth column you see the amount of shops in Chichester - West Sussex that was rented on the date. Also see aggregate statistics on all available shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time, aggregate statistics on new shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time, aggregate statistics on rented shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time
Date | All shops for rent | New shops for rent | Rented out shops |
3. December 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2. December 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1. December 2024 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Statistics on currently available shops for rent in Chichester - West Sussex in United Kingdom
In the table below, you see a series of data about available shops to rent in Chichester - West Sussex.Also see gathered statistics of all available shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time, the gathered statistics of new shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time, the gathered statistics of rented shops in Chichester - West Sussex over time
Shops | |
Available premises | 2 |
New premises since yesterday | 0 |
Rented out premises since yesterday | 0 |
Total available m2 | 1,725 |
Average price per m2 per year without expenses | 185 |
Highest price per m2 per year | 338.77 |
Lowest price per m2 per year | 32.6 |