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Warehouse for rent, Galten, Central Jutland Region, Marktoften 7b

Marktoften 7b, 8464 Galten
  • Warehouse for rent
  • 375 m2
  • 17,800 DKK per month
Warehouse for rent, Galten, Central Jutland Region, Marktoften 7b
Marktoften 7b, 8464 Galten
  • Warehouse for rent
  • 375 m2
  • 17,800 DKK per month

Warehouse for rent, Galten, Central Jutland Region, Marktoften 7b


  • 2815458
  • Warehouse
  • 375 m2
  • 213,600 DKK
  • 17,800 DKK
  • 569 DKK

375 m2 lagerhal med kontorbygning

Til februar har din virksomhed muligheden for at flytte ind i nyt kvalitetsbyggeri, opvarmet lagerhal med lækker kontorbygning.✅👌🏻🏠
300 m 2 lager og 75 m2 kontorbygning.
Høj isoleret og med varmepumpe.✅
Porte 3,5 x 3,5 meter .✅
Indhegnet og videoovervåget grund med skyde-port.📹✅
Gode tilkørsel forhold, 1 km til motorvej.✅
Hallen ligger i Galten, vest for Aarhus
Indflytningsklar i Februar 2025.

Kontorbygning med gulvvarme og store klinker, super lækkert køkken med corian bordplade alle hvidevarer og bad med lækre materialer væghængt wc brus med Unidrain og meget mere.👌🏻😊

Information and data

This warehouse for rent, is located on Marktoften in Galten. Galten is located in Central Jutland Region. The company space is 375 m2 in total. You can rent this warehouse for 213,600 DKK per year.

Frequently asked questions

Statistics on the development of available warehouses for rent in Galten over the past month

Below you can see the development of available warehouses for rent in Galten over the past month. In the first column you see the date. In the second column you see the total amount of warehouses for rent in Galten on the date. In the third column you see the amount of new warehouses in Galten that was available for rent on the date. In the fourth column you see the amount of warehouses in Galten that was rented on the date. Also see aggregate statistics on all available warehouses in Galten over time, aggregate statistics on new warehouses in Galten over time, aggregate statistics on rented warehouses in Galten over time

Date All warehouses for rent New warehouses for rent Rented out warehouses
30. November 2024 1 0 0
29. November 2024 1 1 1
28. November 2024 1 0 0

Statistics on currently available warehouses for rent in Galten

In the table below, you see a series of data about available warehouses to rent in Galten.Also see gathered statistics of all available warehouses in Galten over time, the gathered statistics of new warehouses in Galten over time, the gathered statistics of rented warehouses in Galten over time

Available premises 1
New premises since yesterday 0
Rented out premises since yesterday 0
Total available m2 375
Average price per m2 per year without expenses 76
Highest price per m2 per year 76
Lowest price per m2 per year 76