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4 Immobiliensucher
Suchen nach restaurant zur Miete in Kungsholmen, Vasastan oder Södermalm, Schweden
1: What size should the premises be?: -alert are looking at around 30-40 seating capacity. 2: What type of premises are ...- Größe: 50-300 m2
Suchen nach praxis zur Miete in Trollhättan, Schweden
1: What size should the premises be? - up to 50 m2 2: What kind of premises are you searching for (e.g. office, retail, w...- Größe: 20-50 m2
Suchen nach büro oder lager zur Miete in Stockholm City, Schweden
No further comments- Größe: 10000-20000 m2
Suchen nach lager oder showroom zur Miete in Stockholm City, Schweden
Iam looking for a warehouse graded location as near Stockholm city center for commercial musical venue!- Größe: 50-150 m2