Commercial space in Madrid Moratalaz
See all available commercial rentals, business rentals, business premises and commercial spaces for rent in Madrid Moratalaz below. If you are looking for commercial real estate for rent, business space, a business rental, a business premise, a commercial rental or commercial space for rent in Madrid Moratalaz, you have come to the right place. We have almost all available commercial rentals in Madrid Moratalaz in our database. Find your commercial space in Madrid Moratalaz for rent or lease here. Enjoy. More info about commercial space for rent in Madrid Moratalaz.
705 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 10,582 EUR per month
- 180.12 EUR /m2/year
1366 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid, Avenida de La Cantueña
- 6,000 EUR per month
- 52.71 EUR /m2/year
972 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 17,026 EUR per month
- 210.20 EUR /m2/year
957 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 14,367 EUR per month
- 180.15 EUR /m2/year
745 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Avenida de Burgos
- 12,300 EUR per month
- 198.12 EUR /m2/year
496 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 7,441 EUR per month
- 180.02 EUR /m2/year
838 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 9,644 EUR per month
- 138.10 EUR /m2/year
457 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Josefa Valcárcel
- 6,855 EUR per month
- 180 EUR /m2/year
1649 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Josefa Valcárcel
- 24,749 EUR per month
- 180.10 EUR /m2/year
1827 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Josefa Valcárcel
- 29,236 EUR per month
- 192.03 EUR /m2/year
1054 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 23,188 EUR per month
- 264 EUR /m2/year
380 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid
- 5,500 EUR per month
- 173.68 EUR /m2/year
396 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid
- 4,800 EUR per month
- 145.45 EUR /m2/year
356 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid, C De La Huerta del Convento
- 1,400 EUR per month
- 47.19 EUR /m2/year
291 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid
- 1,850 EUR per month
- 76.29 EUR /m2/year
1054 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 23,188 EUR per month
- 264 EUR /m2/year
218 m2 commercial space for rent in Madrid, Calle Sófora
- 5,000 EUR per month
- 275.23 EUR /m2/year
Frequently asked questions
Statistics on the development of available commercial real estate for rent in Madrid Moratalaz over the past month
Also see aggregate statistics on all available commercial rentals in Madrid Moratalaz over time, aggregate statistics on new commercial rentals in Madrid Moratalaz over time, aggregate statistics on rented commercial real estate in Madrid Moratalaz over time
Date | |||
4. December 2024 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
3. December 2024 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
29. November 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
28. November 2024 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Statistics on currently available commercial spaces in Madrid Moratalaz in Spain
Also see gathered statistics of all available commercial space in Madrid Moratalaz over time, the gathered statistics of new commercial space in Madrid Moratalaz over time, the gathered statistics of rented commercial space in Madrid Moratalaz over time
Total | |
Available premises | 1,906 |
New premises since yesterday | 1 |
Rented out premises since yesterday | 1 |
Total available m2 | 3,673,006 |
Average price per m2 per year without expenses | 304 |
Highest price per m2 per year | 59,325 |
Lowest price per m2 per year | 1.78 |