Office space in Madrid Carabanchel
See all available office locations, office spaces, office rentals and offices for rent in Madrid Carabanchel below. If you are looking for an available office location, office rental, office space or office for rent in Madrid Carabanchel, you have come to the right place. We have almost all available office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel for rent and for lease in our database. Find your new office space in Madrid Carabanchel here. Enjoy. More info about office space for rent in Madrid Carabanchel.
762 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 15,240 EUR per month
- 240 EUR /m2/year
1018 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 23,414 EUR per month
- 276 EUR /m2/year
361 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Paseo Doce Estrellas
- 6,137 EUR per month
- 204 EUR /m2/year
1485 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle Trespaderne
- 18,563 EUR per month
- 150 EUR /m2/year
793 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 10,309 EUR per month
- 156 EUR /m2/year
715 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Avenida del Llano Castellano
- 7,150 EUR per month
- 120 EUR /m2/year
989 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Bravo Murillo
- 17,802 EUR per month
- 216 EUR /m2/year
564 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Avenida de Manoteras
- 7,050 EUR per month
- 150 EUR /m2/year
1352 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Santiago de Compostela
- 19,608 EUR per month
- 174.04 EUR /m2/year
442 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Plaza de Manuel Gómez-Moreno
- 13,702 EUR per month
- 372 EUR /m2/year
1221 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle del Eucalipto
- 23,199 EUR per month
- 228 EUR /m2/year
1504 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Federico Mompou
- 18,801 EUR per month
- 150.01 EUR /m2/year
318 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de la Ribera del Sena
- 5,406 EUR per month
- 204 EUR /m2/year
889 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Carretera de Alcobendas
- 16,019 EUR per month
- 216.23 EUR /m2/year
314 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Emilio Vargas
- 5,345 EUR per month
- 204.27 EUR /m2/year
685 m2 office space for rent in Madrid
- 6,167 EUR per month
- 108.04 EUR /m2/year
136 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle de Manuel Pombo Angulo
- 1,100 EUR per month
- 97.06 EUR /m2/year
381 m2 office space for rent in Madrid, Calle Quintanavides
- 6,098 EUR per month
- 192.06 EUR /m2/year
Frequently asked questions
Statistics on the development of available office spaces for rent in Madrid Carabanchel over the past month
Below you can see the development of available office spaces for rent in Madrid Carabanchel over the past month. In the first column you see the date. In the second column you see the total amount of office spaces for rent in Madrid Carabanchel on the date. In the third column you see the amount of new office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel that was available for rent on the date. In the fourth column you see the amount of office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel that was rented on the date. Also see aggregate statistics on all available office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time, aggregate statistics on new office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time, aggregate statistics on rented office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time
Date | All office spaces for rent | New office spaces for rent | Rented out office spaces |
23. November 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
22. November 2024 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Statistics on currently available office spaces for rent in Madrid Carabanchel in Spain
In the table below, you see a series of data about available office spaces to rent in Madrid Carabanchel.Also see gathered statistics of all available office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time, the gathered statistics of new office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time, the gathered statistics of rented office spaces in Madrid Carabanchel over time
Office spaces | |
Available premises | 1,051 |
New premises since yesterday | 0 |
Rented out premises since yesterday | 0 |
Total available m2 | 964,274 |
Average price per m2 per year without expenses | 192 |
Highest price per m2 per year | 6,750 |
Lowest price per m2 per year | 5 |